Sunday 20 September 2015

Amaravathi Capital of Andhra Pradesh plan is ready

Singapore submits the master plan to Chandra babu naidu : The Government of Singapore gives the master plan named Seed Capital Area (SCA) of Andhra Pradesh capital Amaravathi to Honorable Chief Minister Chandra babu naidu in the Rajahmundry. The SCA Master Plan consists of three stages. The SCA master plan is going built in area of 16.9 Sq-kms and would be developed in 5 phases. The SCA is concentrate only on the bank of the Krishna river as the heart or central place of the CRDA area.

“Amaravathi is envisaged to be developed as smart, green and sustainable city. In the line of being developed as the People’s Capital of Andhra Pradesh, our aspiration is to create a vibrant, diverse, inclusive and modern city which will be a symbol of pride for the people of Andhra Pradesh and India,’’ CM Naidu said. “My heartfelt thanks to the Government of Singapore for their dedication and fast pace of work. October 22, 2015 has been decided as the day of laying foundation stone for Amaravahti. We need to begin ground work from that day. Amaravati Capital is a project which is being watched by people across India,” Naidu said.

The six key factors taken into consideration for this Master Plan are “providing jobs and homes, world-class infrastructure, quality living, protecting identity and heritage and resource management and environment.” S Iswaran, Second Minister for Trade and Industry, said, “This is where the beginnings of a great city will be established and Singapore is honored to play a small part through the master plans for Amaravati Capital. However, our partnership with Andhra Pradesh will begin from this point by assisting them in the development of capital city.We will continue to collaborate on development of Amaravati Capital.”

The key highlights of the Seed Capital Area (SCA) Master Plan of the Capital City which will catalyse the development of Amaravathi:
1. The Seed Capital Area is planned for about 3 lakh residents. Being developed as a vibrant business hub, a total of about 7 lakh jobs are expected to be created in various sectors including government jobs.
2. The Seed Capital Area aspiration is to create a thriving state of the art Central Business District (CBD) for business and living.
3. The Seed Capital Area master plan provides nodes and development corridors from transit oriented development approach.
4. The various zones would comprise of central business district, residential townships, institutions, parks and gardens, water bodies, recreational spaces, water front etc.
5. In line with the Capital City, the Seed Capital Area is planned on transit oriented development principles. To provide and enhance mobility and accessibility to the citizens, the master plan provides a transport hierarchy that comprises of an integrated network of metro rail network of about 12 kms, bus rapid transit of about 15 kms, downtown road of about 7 km, arterial roads and sub-arterial roads of about 26 kms and collector roads of about 53 kms, with varying broad right-of-ways.
6. The city being planned on sustainable development principles, extensive large open green spaces have been planned that shall add value to the urban ecosystem. The landscape would create world class aesthetic appeal to make city livable and attractive.
7. Special emphasis has been laid to enhance development of extensive walkways and pedestrianisation interlinked with open and green spaces with a blue and green network of more than 25 kms to promote walk-to-work environment and non-motorised transport.
8. The iconic developments will include state-of-the-art government complex, city gateway, cultural centre, convention centre etc.
9. The Seed Capital Area master plan provisions for waste management systems that would enable innovative methods for waste collection, transportation, treatment and resource recovery such as Waste-to-Energy, thereby creating a resourceful, safe and healthy city.
10. The Seed capital conserves more than 40% of the green areas and the blue areas in the seed capital sprawl over 50% of the Seed Capital.
11. The Seed Capital Area development will be implemented on Public Private Partnership by selecting job creation and investment partner. The three-part Amaravathi master plan was developed by Singapore’s Surbana Jurong Private Limited. It also drew on Singapore’s expertise and experience in urban planning and governance and project execution. The Centre for Liveable Cities and Singapore Cooperation Enterprise has begun to provide capacity development training in various areas for Andhra Pradesh government officials who will be involved in the development of Amaravati Capital and the Capital Region.

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